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Thursday, 19 April 2018

Lightroom Classic 7.3.1

This is a dot, dot version quickly following the recent release of Lr Classic 7.3 which produced unusual crash reports for some users on Mac OS and a backup issue affecting Windows users. A list of the bugs fixed in v7.3.1 is given below:

-fixed the issue of backup catalog getting corrupted on Windows. 

-after launching 7.3.1 all the lua based Presets (lrtemplate files) will be re-converted to XMP and lrtemplate files names will be prefixed with a double tilde icon e.g. ~~PresetName.lrtemplate). 

-fixed the issue of Presets not getting converted completely. 

-fixed the issue of incorrect Sort Order for Presets. 

-fixed the crash occurring on Mac while performing CMD+Z after applying profiles. 

-fixed the crash occurring on Mac after applying some Profiles.

In addition to the above fixes, Adobe has released a config file which customers can install if they prefer to disable live previews for Profiles while hovering in Loupe view. This is hopefully a temporary work around and I would like to see it replaced in future versions with a simple preference setting that customers can switch on/off.

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